Depth of Field
This is 2 examples of the effect of Depth of Field (DOF). The 1st example is a deep DOF and the 2nd a shallow DOF.
Digital cameras allow you to use this technique and maximise it to your advantage.
Some further examples are as follows:
- Shallow DOF - this is most commonly used in portraiture by emphasising the subject. Do this by either using a long focal length on your camera and/or a wide aperture F2.8 (See below for F-stop Jargon busting) You will get the effect of a sharp subject & blurry background. You can also use the portrait mode on your camera if it has one.
- Deep DOF - This is more flexible but a good example is landscapes. A wide-angle end of a zoom lens and an aperture of F8 will help ensure that the sharpness is carried on throughout the photo. You can also use the landscape mode on your camera if it has one.
- Close up (Macro) DOF - The depth of field here, maybe as, small as, 1mm or 2mm. Use a smaller aperture to help deepen the field, if this is the effect you want.
Jargon Busting
- Aperture - The circular opening inside a camera's lens that can change in diameter to control the amount of light reaching the camera's sensor. These are quoted in F-Stops, the lower the number, the larger the aperture E.g. An aperture of F2.8 is larger than one of F8. In other words the larger the aperture and shutter speed, the more light that hits the sensor. Many camera's have an Aperture priority mode which allows experimentation.
- Depth of Field - The distance between the nearest and farthest points that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photo. Dependant on, lens, aperture, focal length & camera-to-subject distance.
- Focal length - The distance between the sensor (Or film on traditional cameras) and the optical centre of the lens when the lens is focused on infinity. Focal lens is marked in millimeters on the lens (or mount) on those cameras able to do so.
Business Corner
Don't forget to inform the tax office if you start self employment, they can assist you in a great deal of ways, they also run courses to help people filling out tax returns & keeping the correct documents. Failure to do this may result in severe recriminations.
This weeks quote is "If you can dream, you can do it" - Walt Disney
I'll be back next week with another installment, until then happy snapping!